January 23, 2011

catch up

This is the first post of the new photo blog! (I have to admit I got some inspiration from some one I know, hi olivia!)
There won't be much writing here as I am still going to be using email for more text sensitive information. However, as an email takes forever to send with pictures attached, this is the new meeting point to share pictures.
As this is the catch up blog post that encompasses the first week in Spain, I have a lot to post. I was a little shutter happy this week, especially in Segovia, a town outside of Madrid I visited. Entonces, I apologize in advance. 

First, Segovia.

Second, around by the National Library (obviously), El Prado Museum and then at La Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid.

And finally, at El Rastro market and the San Miguel food market in Madrid.


  1. great pics, hannah. thanks for including me. i look forward to following your adventures.

  2. Hannah! These photos are maravillosas! I especially like the Segovia ones, I remember really wanting to go there when I was in Madrid but there wasn't time... Anyway, it looks like such a charming city, so old and steeped in history and culture. And that church!! ¡¡Madre mia!! I also like the one w/ the cheeses. And the one with you. Ya looks good girl. Anywho, hope all is going well. Can't wait for you guys to visit, so much to show you!!


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